ULCOAT provide a lot of large Mask Blanks which are essential lithography materials in production of FPD and has gotten a high reputation in the FPD market.
Also for next generation blanks or ULCOAT's attenuated phase shift mask blanks, halftone blanks are made by us as a pioneer.
We have much experiences with precise grade, larger size and automation technology for such plates.
ULCOAT's Mask Blanks are high grade mask blanks with low defect such as PH・particles and are compatible with ultra precise pattern.
The optical properties variation within a plate is very low.
The thickness variation of resist film is very small. Also we respond to our customers' request.
Maximum size 2100mmx2500mm
ULCOAT are a pioneer company of Large Size Attenuation Phase Shift Mask Blanks that are innovated FPD production process.
Half Tone Mask Blanks in FPD market are used to reduce the cost of producing FPD panels. As the industry leader, ULCOAT produce the Half Tone Mask Blanks and supply appropriate plate size, film transmittance for customers' request.
Maximum size 1220mmx1500mm